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What is the best free DVD ripper for Mac? MakeMKV deserves your attention. Does MakeMKV work with DVD? Can MakeMKV rip copy protected DVD? Yes, this free DVD ripper does a good job in these aspects. The only unease-to-use for MakeMKV is the search for a beta key registration code. And MakeMKV DVD ripping software can only convert DVD to MKV format. If you desire more output video formats, DVDFab DVD Ripper is still your first choice.
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Is MakeMKV still free? Yes, it calls for a free registration code to launch this free DVD ripper. And this code changes basically every 3 month. But, MKV file requires a special MKV player, so you need to find such a toll after ripping DVD to MKV using MakeMKV free DVD ripper. Besides AACS, what else DVD copy protections are there? For the special Cinavia encryption, let this DVD Cinavia Removal come to your rescue. 2ff7e9595c