Troop trees show the progression of units for a given faction or group. Each of the six main factions have their own unique troop tree, and there are other troop trees besides. Different factions' troop trees specialize in different areas of combat, while others are balanced.
Wokou Pirate is considered to be an upgraded version of Looters with better weapons. They are heavily armed but wore the same clothing as the villagers. Their main armament consist of melee weapons used by the Chinese and the Korean which are great for dealing high damage and good weapon reach. They also use guns to fight to support the charging melee troops. Their melee weapons consist of Chinese made weapons which are heavy and dangerous to anyone near it. Backed by the musket fire, the Wokou Pirates can devastate anyone when it strikes. The Wokou Pirates are commonly found near Nagasaki, Kumamoto and Sashiki in the Kyushu region. The terrain of these places are full of mountains, it does not favour the cavalry or any missile troop. The high uneven ground render cavalry charge useless and limited line of sights for missile troops to fire. Fighting the Wokou will force the player to meet them face to face in melee combat. mostly favouring the Wokou Pirates.
mount and blade warband troop trees
The Utari Swordsman are tribesmen of Hokkaido living in the village of Niputay. They have better armour than Sado Exile when recruited but is not as good as most troops mentioned above. They however, do have some access to light spear with them when recruited.(Sadly, not all swordsman are equipped with a spear.) Once upgraded, the Veteran Utari Swordsman will be given a decent armour and solely focus on only one type of two-handed swords. Giving this troop a disadvantage as compared to the Sado Returnee. However, the swords deals a high amount of damage which is better than the Sado troop.
Provides a choice of customisable troop trees for the player kingdom. Choose the tree structure (trade-off between number of branches and tier limit) and gender, then set troop names, stats and equipment. 2ff7e9595c